3 Things To Do When a Job or Gig Falls Through

gig falls through

When you expect to start working for a company as a gig worker, it can be shocking when the gig falls through, and you are left scrambling for another position. What can make this situation especially challenging is when the company you were supposed to start working for provides you with limited information about why the gig fell through.

Although this situation is uncommon, it can happen. Preparing yourself for that eventuality puts you in a better position than having no idea what to do when you were counting on earning income and the opportunity disappears with little warning.

Try to Understand What Happened

Most of the time when a gig falls through, it is beyond the control of the people who were counting on work. Budgets and department goals change, sometimes suddenly. A company may decide to scrap a project before it ever gets off the ground.

While it can be difficult to hear, it is also possible that you were not a good fit for the gig position and the employer reconsidered the initial offer. If so, you can always ask if there is something you could do to better prepare for a similar opportunity in the future. Be sure to let the company representative know you would be interested in future assignments if this is the case, otherwise chalk it up as a learning experience and move on.

Keep Your Chin Up and Look for the Next Opportunity

Remember that no one gets through life without experiencing major disappointments. You may not have chosen this situation, but you cannot control what has happened now. Allow yourself to feel the disappointment or even anger at the situation, but not for long. The last thing you want to do is dwell on it for too long. Don’t let it hold you back from finding your next gig. The position you lost might not have been right for you. Something else out there is sure to be the perfect match for your skills.

Continue Your Job Search and Create a Backup Plan

One of the benefits of being a gig worker is that you can take time off between assignments according to your own timetable. However, you want to avoid staying out of the workforce for too long before you reignite your job search. Maybe this experience has shown you that you need to do things differently. Be sure to talk to other gig workers to get feedback regarding their recent experiences. Then, when you’re ready, get yourself back out there.

This experience can also serve as a reminder for having an emergency savings account and a backup plan for work. Perhaps you could work part-time in the evenings while keeping your days free for interviews. Just remember to let companies know if you accept a new gig, so they do not continue the recruitment process. If you want to apply with the same company in the future, showing professional courtesy now can go a long way.

About the Author: Lisa Kroulik has worked as a freelance content marketing writer for 10 years. She loves the work and the lifestyle it affords. Learn more about Lisa’s work and availability through Writer Access.

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