Jobsite Spanish: 100+ Phrases & Terms for Construction Sites & Warehouses

Cartoon of jobsite construction or warehouse crew.

Want to learn construction Spanish or Spanish for warehouse workers? You’re in the right place!

Welcome—or should I say, “Bienvenido!”—to this jobsite Spanish guide! Communication is key in any work environment, but language barriers often get in the way. Luckily, learning basic jobsite Spanish isn’t as hard as it might seem.

Of course, you won’t be able to speak fluently with a construction Spanish cheat sheet. You’ll still have to translate some things, and maybe have separate English and Spanish safety meetings for construction jobs. But what you can do is give simple instructions, exchange job-related information, and navigate the ins and outs of the workday—all while strengthening your relationships with the Spanish-speaking members of your team.

Let’s go! (Vamos!)

Table of Contents

Want a printable PDF version of the construction Spanish cheat sheet/warehouse Spanish cheat sheet instead? Download it below.

Useful phrases for jobsite work

If you studied Spanish in school, you probably learned phrases like “¿Dónde está la biblioteca?” (Where is the library?) And that’s great—but it’s not too helpful on the jobsite. 

What you need is vocabulary that can actually help you communicate with your Spanish-speaking employees or workmates. Here are some of the terms that can get you through a standard shift. 

Starting the job

The day’s just begun, which means it’s time to say hello—and then explain the task at hand. Here’s some basic Spanish vocabulary to get your construction or warehouse shift (and workday) off to a good start.

Good morning.Buenos días. BWE-nos DI-as
Good afternoon.Buenas tardes.BWE-nas TAR-dehs
Good evening.Buenas noches. BWE-nas NOCH-ehs
You’re hired.Usted está contratado. us-TED es-TA con-tra-TA-doh
Thank you.Gracias.GRAH-see-ahs
Yes, please.Sí, por favor.see, pour fa-VOR
Do this.Haga esto. HA-ga ES-toh
Come with me.Venga conmigo.VENG-ga con-ME-go
I’ll show you.Se lo muestro. say lo MWES-troh
Are you ready?¿Está listo?Es-TAH LEES-toh 
What is your area of expertise?¿Cuál es su especialidad?Qual es sue es-pes-ial-ee-DAHD


On a construction jobsite or in a warehouse setting, a simple misunderstanding can lead to a dangerous situation. These basic Spanish safety terms can help you and your crew understand how to keep themselves and each other safe—and resolve problems quickly.

Safety meetingReunión de seguridadray-un-ee-ON day se-ger-i-DAHD
Are you injured?¿Está lesionado?es-TAH less-eon-AH-do
Are you ok?¿Está bien?esTAH bee-EN
Do you need help?¿Necesita ayuda?ness-eh-SEE-ta ay-U-dah
Let me help.Déjeme ayudar. DAY-hay-may ay-u-DAR

Doing the work

Organizing a team doesn’t require a super-wide vocabulary. In fact, you can successfully coordinate workers with just a few gestures and a handful of key phrases. 

Here are some warehouse and construction terms you can fall back on.

The warehouseEl almacénel all-mah-SEN
The construction siteEl sitio de construcción.el SEE-teo day con-strook-she-ON
Come to the back of the warehouse.Venga a la parte trasera del almacén.VENG-gah ah la PAR-tay tra-SAYR-ah del all-mah-SEN 
This is your workspace.Este es su espacio de trabajo.ES-tay es sue es-PAS-eo day tra-BA-ho
Show me.Muéstreme.MWES-tray-may
Come here.Venga aquí.VENG-ga ah-KEY
Like this.Así.ah-SEE
Not like that.Así no.ah-SEE no
Can you do it?¿Lo puede hacer?lo PWAY-day ah-SAYR
Over there.Allí.ay-YEE
Go over there.Vaya allí.VAY-ya ay-YEE
Faster.Más rápido. mas RAP-ee-doh
Slower.Más despacio. mas des-PASS-eo
Carefully!¡Con cuidado!con quee-DAHD-oh
Lift it.Levántelo.lay-VAHN-tah-lo
Put it down.Bájelo. BA-hay-lo
Put it there.Póngalo allí.PONG-gah-lo ay-YEE
HeightLa alturala all-TOUR-ah
LengthEl largoel LAR-go
WidthEl anchoel ANCH-o
WeightEl pesoel PAY-so


Stopping and starting is a lot simpler when you can communicate exactly what is going on. These simple words can help you clarify when it’s break time—and when it’s time to continue working.

Lunch.El almuerzo. el all-MWER-so
​​Lunch break.La pausa para PAW-sa PAH-ra all-more-SAR
Stop, that’s good enough.Pare, ya está.PAH-ray, ya es-TAH
Let’s take a break.Vamos a descansar.VAM-os ah dess-cahn-SAR
There’s food in here.Hay comida aquí.Aye co-MEED-ah ah-KEY
Here is the bathroom.Aquí está el baño.ah-KEY es-TA el BON-yo
Be back in half an hour.Vuelva en media hora.VWEL-va en MAY-dea OR-ah
Be back in an hour.Vuelva en una hora.VWEL-va en OO-na OR-ah
Five minutesCinco minutosSEEN-co min-OO-toes
Let’s get back to work.Volvamos al trabajo.vol-VAHM-os ah trab-ah-HAR

Ending the day

When the day is done, you want to thank your Spanish-speaking crew and (hopefully) encourage them to come back. Use these terms to show your appreciation and finish the shift on a friendly note.

Thank you.Gracias.GRAHS-eas
You’re welcome.De nada. Day NAH-dah
Thanks for all your hard work.Gracias por todo su trabajo.GRAHS-eas pour TOH-doh sue tra-BAH-ho
We’d love to have you work for us again.Nos encantaría que vuelva a trabajar para nosotros.nos en-cahn-tah-REE-ah kay VWEL-vah ah tra-bah-HAR PAH-ra no-SOT-roes
You’ll get a notification on your Jobble app.Recibirá una notificación en su aplicación de Jobble.ray-seeb-eer-AH OO-nah no-tee-fee-kah-see-ON en sue app-lee-cass-ee-ON day Jobble
Take care.Cuídese mucho. QUEE-day-say MOO-cho
We’ll see you again.Nos veremos de nuevo. nos vare-EH-mos day NWE-vo
See you.Nos vemos.nos VAY-mos
Have a great evening.Que tenga una buena noche. kay TENG-ga OO-nah BWE-na NO-chay
See you soon.Hasta pronto.AH-stah PRAWN-toh
See you tomorrow.Hasta mañana.AH-stah man-YAN-ah

Terminology for construction jobsites and warehouses

You don’t need a comprehensive Spanish course to successfully collaborate on the jobsite—or at least, it’s probably not your top priority. What you do need is Spanish for construction workers and warehouse managers. I understand that—and so I’ve compiled some key phrases to get you started. 

If you’re looking for construction terms in Spanish, here you go!

Construction job titles in Spanish

People work better together when titles and roles are clear. Here are the phrases that can help you.

Jobsite managerGerente de obrahair-ENT-eh day OH-brah
ForemanEl capataz / La capatazel cah-pah-TAHZ / la cah-pah-TAHZ
BuilderEl constructor / La constructorael con-strook-TOR / la con-strook-TOR-ah
RooferEl techador / La techadorael tay-cha-DOR / la tay-cha-DOR-ah
FramerEl enmarcador / La enmarcadorael en-mark-ah-DOR / la en-mark-ah-DOR-ah
Construction framerEl enmarcador / La enmarcadora de la construcciónel en-mark-ah-DOR / la en-mark-ah-DOR-ah day la con-strook-she-ON
ArchitectEl arquitecto / La arquitectael are-key-TECK-toh / la are-key-TECH-tah
Bricklayer/MasonEl albañil / La albañilel all-ban-YEEL / la all-ban-YEEL
SurveyorEl inspector / La inspectorael in-speck-TOR / la in-speck-TOR-ah
ElectricianEl electricista / La electricistael eh-leck-tree-SEES-tah / la eh-leck-tree-SEES-tah
CarpenterEl carpintero / La carpinterael car-peen-TER-oh / la car-peen-TER-AH
ContractorEl contratista / La contratistael con-tra-TEE-stah / la con-tra-TEE-stah
WorkerEl obrero / La obrerael obe-RARE-oh / la obe-RARE-ah

*Note: Spanish nouns are often gendered, especially when they refer to people. “El” means “the”—but for masculine nouns. “La” means “the” for feminine nouns. The endings “-o” and “-a” also relate to gender: “-o” is used for masculine nouns, and “-a” is used for feminine nouns.

So if the roofer is a man, he’s “el techador.” If she’s a woman, she’s “la techadora.”

There are some exceptions, though, as you’ll see in the table above. Electricians and contractors both keep the “-a” ending, regardless of the gender of the worker.

Construction tools in Spanish

You don’t need a full understanding of Spanish grammar just to get your point across. Sometimes, just a single word is enough—which is why it’s important to know some basic nouns. 

So here are some of the most common construction tools in Spanish. Next time you give that construction safety toolbox talk in English and Spanish, you’ll be glad to have this vocabulary. 

ToolsLas herramientaslas air-ah-me-ENT-as
ToolboxLa caja de herramientasla CA-ha day air-ah-me-ENT-as
ToolbeltEl cinturón de herramientasel seen-tour-ON day air-ah-me-ENT-as
HammerEl martilloel mar-TEE-yo
NailEl clavoel CLAH-vo
NutLa tuercala TWER-kah
ScrewEl tornilloel tor-NEE-yo
ScrewdriverEl desarmadorel des-arm-ah-DOR
SawLa sierrala see-AIR-ah
MaskLa máscarala MAHS-kah-rah
AxeEl hachael AH-cha
PliersLos alicateslos all-ee-KAHT-ehs
LadderLa escalerala es-cahl-AIR-ah
WrenchLa llave inglesala YA-vay een-GLASE-ah
LevelEl nivelel nee-VELL
CementEl cementoel sem-ENT-oh
ConcreteEl concretoel con-crate-OH
WireEl alambreel all-AHM-bray
BricksLos ladrilloslos lad-REE-yos
GlassEl vidrioel VEED-reo
MetalEl metalel MET-all
SandLa arenala ah-RAIN-ah
StoneLa piedrala pee-ED-rah
WoodLa maderala mahd-AIR-ah
PlasticEl plásticoel PLASS-tee-ko

*** Quick tip: Use the phrase “Paseme el/la _______” to ask for a particular tool or item. For example, you can say “Pásame el martillo” if you want someone to pass you the hammer. 

Warehouse job titles in Spanish

The warehouse is a unique workplace—with a unique set of positions. Here are some Spanish job titles you can use so everyone understands their roles. 

Picker/packerEl recogedor de almacén / la recogedora de almacénel ray-co-hay-DOR day all-mah-SEN / la ray-co-hay-DOR-ah day all-mah-SEN
LoaderEl cargador / la cargadorael car-gah-DOR / la car-ga-DOR-ah
Clerk/secretaryEl secretario / La secretariael seck-ra-TAR-eo / la seck-ra-TAR-ea
Forklift operatorEl operador de carretilla elevadora / la operadora de carretilla elevadorael op-air-ah-DOR day car-ray-TEE-ya el-eh-vah-DOR-ah / la op-air-ah-DOR-ah day car-ray-TEE-ya el-eh-vah-DOR-ah
ManagerEl gerente / La gerenteel hair-ENT-eh / la hair-ENT-eh
Delivery driverEl conductor de entrega / La conductora de entregael con-dook-TOR de en-TRAY-gah / la con-dook-TOR-ah de en-TRAY-gah

Spanish pronunciation tips

You won’t pronounce every word perfectly just by reading them off this guide—and that’s okay! You’re not trying to pass an exam here. All you need is to be understood.

That said, there are some tricks you can use to improve your pronunciation. Here are some strategies to keep in mind:

  • If the word has an accent mark, then put the emphasis on the syllable with the accent. For example, the word “Almacén” is pronounced al-ma-CEN.
  • The double-L in Spanish makes a “Y” sound. That means the word “tornillo” is pronounced tor-NEE-yo. 
  • The J in Spanish is pronounced like the English H. The word “trabajo,” for example, is pronounced tra-BA-ho.

Shortcuts for speaking Spanish

Speaking another language is difficult—but there are shortcuts you can use to make yourself understood in Spanish. 

If you’re truly feeling stuck, here are some Spanish “hacks” to keep in mind:

  • Spanish “Twins.” Some words are practically identical—or even exactly identical—in Spanish and English. If you’re completely stuck with a word, try just saying it in English but with a bit of a “Spanish” flair. There’s no guarantee it will work—but it’s worth a try! 
  • Adding -o or -a to an English word. Lots of English words become Spanish words if you add a single vowel to the end. Car? Carro. Guitar? Guitarra. Cup…Cup-o? No, that last one doesn’t work! This isn’t a magic solution—but again, it can be worth trying.
  • English -tion = Spanish -ción. This one works almost every time. Got an English word that ends in -tion? Change that -tion to -ción. Construction becomes construcción. Nation turns into nación. Not bad, eh?


Work is a lot easier—and a lot more fun—when everyone on the team can effectively communicate. Speaking Spanish on the job isn’t easy, but it can really help. Not only will the work go more smoothly, but you’re bound to earn the respect of your Spanish-speaking colleagues.

In the early days of learning a new language, it’s all about confidence. Don’t worry too much about pronunciation. Don’t worry about messing up. Just get out there and try out some new phrases. You’ll get the basic lingo down in no time, you can build on your vocabulary from there.

Good luck—or ¡Buena suerte!

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About the Author: Ben Clabault is a freelance writer from Sandwich, Massachusetts. He has spent much of his adult life traveling through Latin America. He currently lives with his fiance in Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala. His areas of expertise include travel, marketing, SaaS, and global cultures. You can find his work on Copyfolio and reach out to him on LinkedIn.

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